Friday, September 30, 2011

Wish I could go to school all over again.

Ok, I gez school life is one topic which many have already blogged about so if the ones who read this feel its yet another of those blogs then I have 3 words for you.."I DONT CARE".

I was lucky to have been born and brought up in the greatest city in this blue planet, namma bengaluru.(I actually find the new name quite cool for sm strange reason) and more specifically the bengaluru which was still the garden city. people can argue that the othr cities are better, but c'mon lads, whom u kiddin !!!

exactly 17 years ago, I +1ed the number of students Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan teaches. I was part of jus one school shift luckily. unlike many other KV students. I thru III, I was a KV IIsc student and without a shadow of a doubt this school has the best campus among all blore KV's....It is jus beautiful. As kids, it is always difficult to accept changes. and like evry other kid, I had a problem with shifting schools. But then wat could I do about it. I was jus a kid.....So there you go, I joined anothr KV, KV Malleswaram and in contrast to KV IIsc, this school barely had a playground, let alone a beautiful campus. KV IISc 1 KVM 0..

But once I got settled into the whole KVM mode, the years spent there are definitely the best part of my life. I still have a long way to go, but the golden part of my life is definitely over and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. School life is the greatest head fake of them all. You come to learn sciences and maths, but what the school really does to you is, it shapes yours life, it moulds your personality and it makes you wat you are today. Its jus ineffable the importance school has in your life.

 Education wise, KVM was top standard, no two things about it. But in terms of facilities, It was not exactly the right place. but inspite of that, what really defined school life was the people. I agree we wer jus an average school in terms of infrastructure. we dint have the huge playgrounds, we dint have proper coaches etc etc. But the whole beauty of it all was that we nevr really complained. No cricket playground ?? play cricket with writing pads and paper balls. No football ground ?? Play football on the basketball court. And this in essence is what school did to all of us. We did not learn cricket or soccer professionally like the way the othr international school students did, but what we really learnt was much bigger than that. we learnt to live life.

School friends- well, what can you say about them. evn to this day, I am still close to my school friends and am sure that is the case with most people.  The pen fights, The lunch break sessions, The copious time spent playing Tree-Tree, Lock n Key and million other wonderful games and I cud go on and on. At this point, I would like to thank all my friends for being there and I am sure we will remain close for the rest of our lives.

There are a lot of people whom I can list, but two people who really made this school such a fantastic place wer 1) Mr. nair, The princy as he is "fondly" called and 2) Mr. Suryanarayana - our Sanskrit teacher.

I could write a fresh blog altogether to explain the importance of these two great men in my life.

Fast forward a decade and a half, most KVMers are doing well in thr lives and I am sure most of them will agree that KVM has had a drastic impact on their personality.

cheers to KVM.

Dedicated to all my fellow KVMers.


  1. Dude... we need to get everyting back.. including the Benches, the way campus looked, SA Nair (difficult) and other teachers (KNS from Hasan) Rabbit from X-place,JB back from retirement, impt. Sasikala mam from Chennai, then going back to (s)C(h)OOL [read school is cool]..

  2. wish we cud maga.....missing those days....
